CC Dan Clare on networking

By D. Clare

Dan Clare

Dan Clare

When I enlisted in the Marine Corps at the age of 17, I wanted only two things in life—to be a Marine and journalist. It was only when I got out of the Corps four years later that I realized achieving one’s goals required more than desire and ability. Fortunately, based on my childhood ambition, being a former Marine and combat correspondent provided enough of a foundation to build upon my personal and professional goals.

By the age of 20 — when most peers from high school were still dependent on their parents— I had been a nationally-published writer, photographer, press chief and newspaper editor. 

I wanted desperately to be a broadcaster and my former boss, Master Gunnery Sgt. Don Long, ensured I had the chance at AFN Okinawa for my last year in the Corps. My DINFOS instructor, Master Sgt. Mike Eck, was my boss on the island and gave me every opportunity to experience the full scope of our mission there.


Schedule of events for 2018 Professional Development & Symposium posted

Schedule of Events
Last updated July 17, 2018
For a downloadable/print copy click here


Monday 20 August
0800-1700 Check in, Registration:
Assorted Social, Team-Building Recreational Activities Available, Including Fishing, Golf, and MCAS CPNC Tour (T)
1500 Board Meeting: Current National Officers and Directors
1830 Welcome Reception – buffet
2100 Command Post Open

Tuesday 21 August
O800 Symposium Welcome
0830 Flourishing In A Multi-Platform World
With so many entertainment, news and information options available on a myriad of platforms, tablets, smart devices, etc., today’s media consumers have grown accustomed to having instantaneous access to quality journalism, video stories, social media engagement, high-quality imagery, and real-time conversations, anytime and anywhere. For a communications professional, this reality is both daunting and exciting. This informative seminar will explore proven best practices for how to flourish in this exciting new world!


Winners to receive awards at Annual Banquet Aug. 22

Brig. Gen. William H. Seely III

Brig. Gen. William H. Seely III to be guest speaker.

Congratulations to all the recipients of the 2017 Marine Corps Visual Information and Excellence in Communication (VIEC) awards, The COMMSTRAT Awards and the Marine Corps Association Leatherneck Awards.

Headquarters Marine Corps and the USMC Combat Correspondents Association (USMCCCA) will present awards at 6:15 pm on Aug. 22, during the USMCCCA Professional Development and Training Symposium in New Bern, N.C, Aug. 21-23.  Uniform is dress blues (active duty) or cocktail attire. 

Brig. Gen. William H. Seely III, Director of the Office of Marine Corps Communication, is expected to be the guest speaker.

All award winners are invited free of charge, however guests of the winners will be charged $25 to attend. Please go here to register. (PayPal requires you pay at least 1 cent for the FREE choice) if you would rather, just send an email to indicating you are a winner and will be attending the banquet.

Commands of the winners are encouraged to send (and fund) recipients to the entire Professional Development Training Symposium as the schedule, is expected to include Brig. Gen. William H. Seely III, Director of the Office of Marine Corps Communication, who will share his perspectives on what important skills, issues, and opportunities need special emphasis from today’s strategic communicators, regardless of rank.  A schedule of events can be found here.

If you have any questions, contact Kate Stark, executive director at 352-448-9167 or email:

Marine Corps Visual Information and Excellence in Communication recipients:

Graphic design

       Digital Art:
            1st: Sgt. Elize McKelvey, HQMC
            2nd: Cpl. David Staten, DMA Marines
            Honorable Mention: Sgt. Cristian Bestul, HQMC
