Nominations Chair Chris Whiting announced the slate of candidates for the 2022-2023 Association Board of Directors.
All officers are running unopposed for another one year term. President Frank Wiley and Vice President Jeremy Vought both wish to serve a second term. Wiley is a Vietnam Veteran and Vought is an active duty Master Gunnery Sergeant. Long time Treasurer Annita Best has agreed to serve again and Chris Whiting will again serve as Secretary. Best is a retired Colonel and Whiting is a retired Gunnery Sergeant.
The Association Board has five Directors who are elected for two year terms, three are elected in even years and two are elected in odd years, according to the Association Bylaws.
The three 2022-2023 candidates are Ken Melton, Ronna Weyland and Clinton Firstbrook. Melton is a former Marine who already served a year replacing former Director Paul Mancuso. Weyland is a retired Gunnery Sergeant and life member. Firstbrook is an active duty Master Sergeant, currently serving at Quantico. All are unopposed.
The USMCCCA membership will be asked to affirm the slate at the Annual Business Meeting, to be held August 26, during the Symposium.
Members may view candidate biographies posted on www.USMCCCA.org.
Frank Wiley – Candidate for President
Presidential Candidate Frank Wiley is running for a second term as Association President while also serving as Association Chaplain.
Wiley enlisted in April 1967 and was working in Press Information at Camp Pendleton when he volunteered for Vietnam in early 1968. Arriving in Vietnam in April 1968, he was assigned to 1st MarDiv I.S.O. as a Combat Correspondent. He spent most of his time with 3rd Battalion/ 26th Marines in Northern I-Corps, and was sent to Khe Sahn for three weeks to cover the Marine pullout. Returning stateside, he served at 12th .Marine Corps District Headquarters in San Francisco, where he was discharged.
Wiley is retired and worked in the Real Estate Development and Sales Fields.
“I am humbled and flattered that I have been asked to run for a second term. Mawk Arnold was my Skipper in Vietnam and my mentor in our Association, and I know he would be happy that one of his ‘Snuffies’ is serving,” Wiley said. “ I am excited that we are resuming our Symposium/Conference this year in Orlando and that Past Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace has accepted my invitation to be our Keynote Speaker at our Friday Evening Awards Banquet.” (more…)