After the Corps: “The Marine Rapper,” Raymond Lott
Compiled by Amy Forsythe
The Marine Rapper, a U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran, is a hip-hop recording artist. He served as a combat correspondent with infantry battalions during his deployments to Iraq and then Afghanistan. TMR earned a combat action ribbon in Iraq and received an award for combat photography during the same firefight.
TMR has been featured on: Apple Music, We Are The Mighty, VET TV – Kill Die Laugh, “Oscar Mike” TV series and “No Sh*t There I Was” on the Go90 network and the Range 15 Movie Soundtrack. The Marine Rapper has performed and hosted numerous live shows from Los Angeles to San Diego County.
The Marine Rapper recounts his military service, which can be sometimes humorous, over rock and eclectic Hip Hop production. TMR strives to motivate others, start conversation and immortalize his fallen brothers and sisters in music.
The Marine Rapper is highly recognizable with his red frohawk, American flag bandana, and bullet glove and leather boots. He’s released two albums, numerous singles, and collaborations that are all available now on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music and Spotify.

Combat Correspondent Ray Lott
“The Marine Rapper,” Raymond Lott
Hometown: Hollywood, Calif.
Served in the Marines: 2004 – 2014
Last rank: Sergeant
MOS: 4341
Deployments: Iraq 2006-2007; Afghanistan 2008
Journalism Awards: 2006 DoD Thomas Jefferson Award for Stand Alone photo; 2006 USMCCCA Photojournalist of the Year and 2013 USMCCCA 1st Place Human-Interest Feature
Education: A.S. in Music Production and B.S. in Entertainment Business from Los Angeles Film School, 2017
What company do you work for? I’m am self-employed as a music artist and producer. I have 2 EP Albums, 20 songs, 3 single collaborations, more than 1,000 records independently sold and have more than 50,000 streams on Spotify, Apple music. I am collaborating with U.S. Air Force veteran and guitarist/music producer Brian Spencer and Marine veteran and music producer Tobes.
How did serving as a Marine help you define your professional goals?
Serving as a Marine helped define my professional goal as a storyteller. As a combat correspondent for infantry battalions, I translated my storytelling same skills into being a musician. I knew how to effectively capture the audience I had to tell stories about people to other people in a way they would be able to relate.
What do you see yourself doing in five years?
In the next five years, I plan on charting my record on Billboard, headlining a solo U.S. tour and collaborating with established music industry artists.
What are your hobbies?
When I’m not in the music or film studio, I like to travel, binge watch horror movies, go to weird underground restaurants and attend music concerts.
What advice do you have for Marines who are getting out and looking to get into the music or media industry?
My advice for Marines who want to get in the media industry would be to pursue your goals no matter what. People may think you’re crazy, but use your confidence you earned in the Marines to get what you want.
You can find The Marine Rapper’s bio, music and merchandise at and follow him on Instagram, Facebook and twitter: @themarinerapper