Absentee Ballots have been mailed

Absentee Ballots have been mailed. Please return by Aug.1st.
For the first time in years, we will actually have an election. It’s exciting to have new blood, new ideas on the board. The absentee ballots were mailed today, so please complete and return your vote if you do not plan to attend the business meeting in Atlanta during the 2019 USMCCCA Professional Development & Training Symposium, Aug.19-23. If you are an affiliate or honorary member you will not receive a ballot and cannot vote as per our bylaws.
All absentee votes will be hand-carried to the business meeting unopened and counted there. Please place your name on the OUTSIDE of your envelope. This will allow us to pull the vote if you unexpectedly attend the meeting. Many thanks to Chris Whiting, Election Chair for organizing bios, pics and helping to introduce these candidates to us.