A message from John Church

John C. Church, Jr., LtCol USMC
First, thank you to all the well wishers with kind thoughts and visits to Bryn Mawr Hospital. I can say it was the best care I have ever received in a medical facility (and for a former Navy Corpsman – that means a great deal!).
Second, the best news of all is I do NOT have tuberculosious. When the doctors asked me if I had ever traveled much to dangerous or exotic locations I had to laugh – Asia 3X, Mideast 2X, Balkans 2X, Africa 2X, Detroit, etc – but they thought that is what I had at first- TB. A huge relief to learn I DO NOT have TB.
Third, I have severe pneumonia and although released from the hospital am under strict orders “to take it easy for the next few weeks.” As you know this will be difficult as “Take it easy” and my name are not often in the same sentence.
All that said I shall be working some half days as I can, working my schedule to obtain rest, and still trying to communicate with folks in as timely manner as possible.
Very Respectfully & Semper Fidelis,
John C. Church, Jr., LtCol US Marines
Valley Forge Military Academy & College