Jacki Huneycutt retires with a surprise

Jacki’s Huneycutt’s party at Sywanyks Scarlett & Gold, Jacksonville, N.C.
United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association lifetime member, Reinhild “Ms. Jacki” Huneycutt, was recognized for her 43 years of service at a surprise retirement party at Sywanyk’s Scarlet & Gold Traditions in Jacksonville, N.C., Dec. 12.
Marines with the public affairs offices aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps Air Station New River and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point came together with family, friends, retirees and members of the community to thank her for her years of dedicated service, unwavering support to the community, sharing guidance and knowledge with Marines young and old, and for making everyone’s birthday special throughout the years.
She will be missed! Thank you to Sanders Hall who uploaded photos to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10152144086582244&type=1