San Diego Conference a Success

Our emcee Pat Coulter is congratulated by guest of honor Brig. Gen. Dan Yoo after wining the prestigious Donald L. Dickson Award.
For the members and old timers attending the 2012 Annual Conference at San Diego’s Crowne Plaza Hotel it was like a visit back in time before Marine active duty involvement. While the fact the Marines had to execute a pull-out due to budgetary considerations is now history, suffice it to say, we adapted and overcame!
Thanks to the schedule put together by our superior web-mistress, Kate Stark, all attendees seemingly enjoyed themselves; a few even learning something about computers and our excellent website.
The Welcome Reception Wednesday night was exceptionally well attended and the luau motif pleased everyone. The hotel outdid itself in providing very good food at reasonable prices throughout the conference. Special guests at the reception were Dr. and Mrs. Bob Cueva. The Missus being Kathy Morrisey, elder daughter of our first executive director, Bob Morrisey. As always, our palates were whetted by plenty of complimentary Heineken product.On Thursday, the Marines showed up enmasse for the Merit Awards Banquet. Thanks to 1 MEF PA Chief, MGySgt. Mark Oliva, most west coast commands were represented, either by their Merit Award winners or someone assigned to pick them up for the absent winners. In all, we had 98 attendees at the banquet.
For the ceremonies itself, our masterful emcee, Pat Coulter once again outdid himself, this time having to improvise on the fly as unexpected award winners either showed or did not show. Those accepting awards received Pat’s “Emmy” treatment.
Our guest of honor, Brig. Gen. Dan Yoo made an exceptional speech, delving back into our history and the early exploits of Brig. Gen. Bob Denig and his “Demons.”

Our 2012 Denig award winner, Dr. Linda Canup Keaton-Lima thanks her family for attending the banquet.
Our 2012 Denig winner, Dr. Linda Canup Keaton-Lima was on hand and graciously accepted the 2012 award to the delight of her husband, Lou (a former Marine) and her daughters who flew in for the ceremony.Perhaps the surprise of the evening came when Pat closed the ceremonies only to have our new President Bill Hauptfleisch remind him of one other award – the 2012 Dickson Award to be awarded to – surprise – Pat Coulter.
On Friday, attendees were bussed to the MCRD to view a graduating recruit company. Few were those whose chests did not swell with pride as the young warriors marched past on their way to becoming Marines.
On Saturday nearly 20 attendees stayed over for the induction ceremony of Bob Morrisey into the Mount Soledad Military Memorial. The ceremony was staged by a ceremonial unit of the Mount Soledad Society. Kathy Morrisey Cueva and her sister, Michelle Morrisey made brief remarks about their Dad and thanked the Association for seeing to the enshrinement. Executive Director Jack Paxton, who had served with Mo, also made remarks about the achievements of this fine Marine.

Roland Jarrell, Jr looks at the newly placed plaque commemorating our late president Robert “Bob” Morrisey. A small ceremony was held at the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial in La Jolla, Calif.
For More Photos from the conference, please go here.