Message from our President

Don O’Neal, USMCCCA National President
My Fellow CCs:With our 2012 conference in San Diego fast approaching, some of you may have heard rumors that I will not be attending our annual confab. I want to take this opportunity to set the record straight.
It is true that I will not be attending the conference but the reason is simple. For some time now, during both my terms as president of the foundation and more recently as president of our association, I have been battling kidney disease. End Stage Renal Disease (ERKD) is a progressive disease that almost always wins. ESRD patients usually have a choice of treatments up to and including kidney transplantation.
Several weeks before the conference date, it became necessary for me to begin dialysis. Instead of hemodialysis which requires visiting a dialysis center three day a week for five hour sessions, I have chosen peritoneal dialysis which is done in the comfort of my own home, mainly at night while I sleep. Even this method requires the use of a machine about the size of laser printer and the exchange of about 12 liters of dialysis fluid each night. During the initial stages of the treatment, my doctors have advised me not to travel, but I hope to become more mobile as time goes on. I should point out that this is viewed as temporary measure, as I hope through the generosity of a donor, my daughter Christine, who some of you met at last years conference, to get a transplanted kidney sometime later this year.
I will miss being with you in San Diego. The USMCCCA is like family and I will miss our annual “family reunion.“ I want you all to understand that my absence has no connection whatsoever with the Marine Corps decision not hold a Public Affairs Leadership Conference jointly with us in San Diego. There are issues regarding future conferences that remain unresolved but be assured, I intend to have a voice in whatever direction we choose to take if I am blessed with the ability to do so. You are a marvelous group and I have been proud to be your leader for the last two years. The turmoil we face this year will not stop the forward direction of our march because I know we can adapt and overcome.
Semper Fi,