Make hotel reservations now!

Mission Valley Crowne Plaza in San Diego, Sept. 11-14, 2012. Room rate is $114 per night.
From: The Tribal Elder from CCHQ…
As all of you know – or will know as you read your newsletter – our conference in San Diego in September is definitely ON and promises to be better than ever. While our active duty brothers and sisters will be with us in spirit only, thanks to massive budget cuts, we’re planning a blast but we need your cooperation to make it happen.
The problem: We have guaranteed the hotel 70 room nights Tuesday through Thursday. We have a slight fudge factor but, in order to not lose money from penalties, we must reserve a minimum of 62 rooms. If you haven’t made your Room Reservations, click here
We are putting together a program that should be of interest to most of you. First, some of you use a computer for email but have no earthly idea how to perform other tasks such as attaching a photo of you to a grandkid with an email; copying an interesting article you want to send to a friend, and pasting it into an email to that friend. Others, while a bit more advanced, still could use some help. Remember: Old dogs CAN be taught new tricks and we’re offering this in San Diego.

Earnie Grafton, photographer at the San Diego Union-Tribune
Earnie Grafton, a long time member that most of you remember from his active duty days, is plying his trade with the San Diego Union-Tribune as a photojournalist and foreign correspondent these days. He has visited the hotspots of the world and has agreed to share his thoughts on war coverage for those of us who did it the hard way – with typewriter, carbon paper, and a speed or combat graphic.As this was being written we received word from Hawaii that active duty Combat Correspondent Cpl. Reece Lodder, just back from Afghanistan, will be coming to the conference to claim his record setting eight Merit Awards. His take on what it takes to be an active duty CC these days should be spell-binding.
We’ll get a bit into social media and how it can help each of us. Webmaster Kate Stark and others will give you a better idea of what Face Book is about, and how it can interact with your daily activities. If you still think “twitter” or “tweeting” is something only our feathered friends do, Kate will set you straight.
For those arriving on Tuesday, we will have an informal get together in the Hospitality Room, then head for a no-host meal to be followed by fellowship and, most probably, sea stories galore.
Our program will start at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday. Morning coffee is on the house from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. each morning. While we are still streamlining the schedule we will have an Old Board Meeting, Foundation Board Meeting, and Business Meeting (that will include the election of new officers) interspersed Wednesday and Thursday.
Aloha shirts and muumuus (or holamuus) will be the uniform of the day for the Wednesday evening Welcome Aboard Reception at 6:30 p.m. The theme is luau and the menu is planned accordingly. Obviously, the Hospitality Suite will be open following the reception. We probably should mention that our friends at Heineken are again offering free product in the hospitality suite and at both the Wednesday and Thursday receptions.

BrigGen. Paul Kennedy, our new Director of Marine Corps Information
On Thursday we are proceeding with our Merit Awards Banquet and keeping our fingers crossed that some Merit Award winners will show. HQMC is encouraging commands to send their winners but budgets will probably determine how many can make it. In any event, bring your best “bib and tucker” because we will, repeat will, celebrate in style. We have a Marine Corps musical unit and color guard locked on and Brig. Gen. Paul Kennedy, our new Director of Marine Corps Information, has pledged attendance. You can bet that our faithful MC Pat Coulter will “adapt and overcome” regardless the situation. We do know that our Denig winner, Dr. Linda Canup Keaton-Lima and her husband Lou, will be on hand, coming from South Carolina. Hopefully, our “dark horse” Dickson winner will make it.On Friday morning we will have a bus (or buses) standing by at 8:30 a.m. for the trip to MCRD San Diego and a recruit graduation ceremony. Having attended one at Parris Island earlier this year, we will bet “dollars to donuts” that you will shed a tear when you see our marvelous young Marines earn their prized Eagle, Globe and Anchors. If that doesn’t do it, the band playing the Marine Corps Hymn will! If we can arrange a noon meal in the “Dining Hall”) we will. If not, read on.
The bus(s) will drop those of you who wish to visit Old Town on the return from the Recruit Depot. From there you can “shop ’till you drop,” have lunch and a “toddy” if you wish, then catch a cab ride the short distance back to the hotel. Nothing planned Friday night other than a night in the hospitality room – that is, unless we plan something.

Bob Morrisey
For those of you who can stay over until Saturday, we will honor former first exec Bob Morrisey at an induction ceremony at Mount Soledad Memorial Park at 10 a.m. This will be preceded by a Sayonara continental breakfast at the Hospitality Room beginning at 7 a.m.
And, as Mo was fond of saying: Be there or be square!