San Diego Conference Goes Hawaiian

The Mission Valley Crowne Plaza Hotel in San Diego is the site of our 2012 Annual Conference, September 10-14
As the man once said, “now is the time to”… start thinking of this years’ conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in San Diego September 10-14. So, if you’re thinking of it, think Hawaiian. The old Hana Lei Hotel is now the completely rejuvenated Crowne Plaza but it still retains its Hawaiian origins.
Think of the Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening with a Hawaiian Luau – minus poi and minus the buried/cooked pig. Think instead of a great menu and Hawaiian shirts for gents and sarongs or mumuus for the ladies (if they dare!). You’ll love the menu. Think free Heineken product. Think of a huge hospitality room somewhat like we had at the Hampton venue.
The program throughout the week belongs to the professionals with an occasional touch by us old timers. As most know from the past five conferences DivPA offers the professional touch in training that even DINFOS can’t touch. They are bringing in J. Walter Thompson, HP, and many others that can give your young (and old) Marines) the professional touch. There will be a Life After The Corps segment and, hopefully, a Marines and the Media panel featuring the professionals in our fields who will “tell it like it is” when dealing with the Corps. Also this year, we hoping to get USAA’s expert in financial advice to come back and give us the latest on investments and protecting our assets as we move throughout our Marine careers.
On Thursday evening we will salute our active duty Marines who garnered honors in the Merit Awards program as well as those who have excelled in Marketing and Public Affairs activities while on recruiting duty and winners of the MCA Leatherneck Magazine awards.
We will wind up our annual activities with our Annual Business Meeting and election of new officers on Friday morning, then adjourn until September of 2013 when we re-convene at place to be determined.
We realize the $131 nightly rate is a bit higher than in previous years but, we are getting plenty for our money, i.e., free parking, free morning coffee, etc. Also, the registration fee is $96 and that is a bit under more recent conferences. We guarantee you will be getting your money’s worth.
The conference fee is based on what the hotel charges the Association for the various conference rooms used by the group throughout the week. This includes all labor costs for setting up and tearing down each day, and any other associated fees.
Room reservations can be made here. We encourage you to make your hotel reservation as soon as possible. You can also register for the conference here, or by contacting CCHQ at Watch this site for conference news as it breaks. We want to see you in San Diego!