About 30 bricks still needed to surround Denig Memorial

How about gathering up some donations and commemorate your shop or paper?
Executive Director, Jack Paxton says we need about 30 more bricks purchased to complete the 76 total needed to surround the Denig Memorial. Foundation President Victoria Turney sent out an email to former collegues of the JPAO shop at El Toro/Tustin during 1984 – 1989 asking for donations toward a brick…. a good idea.
This is your opportunity to memorialze a friend, relative, chapter, shop, even yourself. The bricks cost $300. They contain space for three lines of characters, 20 letters to each line. You can pay for the brick on this website or you can send a check to the USMCCCA Foundation, 110 Fox Court, Wildwood, FL 34785. You may also call or email CCHQ Tel: 352.748.4698, email: usmccca@cfl.rr.com, and give us your credit information. These contributions may be tax deductible. If you cannot pay now, make a pledge and take three years to pay it off.