CCs receive a thank you from the Semper Fi Fund

The letter below contained these photos: an amputee with his new adaptive truck. A pair of newlyweds, one recently released from Walter Reed/Bethesda in front of their new adaptive home and a service person rehabbing on special equipment provided.
(Ed. Note: The following letter from the Semper Fi Fund was received at CCHQ January 6 addressed to our Foundation Treasurer John Dodd). We re-print it in part to show that your Foundation funds are reaching desired recipients.)
Dear USMCCCA Foundation and Mr. Dodd:
During this Holiday Season and on behalf of our Board of Directors, our staff and volunteers, we thank you for your gift from the USMCCCA Foundation of $5,000 on December 9, 2011.
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of our young service members who have bravely served their country during a critical time in history.
We are forever grateful for your continuance of your financial support and love for our young veterans and their families. Bless you for your belief in our mission of “serving those who preserve our freedom.”
Sincerely, /s/ Karen Guenther, Founder, President and CEO