Denig Memorial: A Go!

Denig Memorial Site: Directly across from the Denig Memorial are two benches and a stone retaining wall. You can see the Chapel in the background. (Photos by Red Carpenter).

Denig Memorial Site: This is the approved site for the Brig. Gen. Robert L. Denig Sr. Memorial at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Very close by on the left side of the site will be the Puller Overlook with a statue of the famous Marine. To the right is the parking lot.
If you are following the contribution totals to the Denig Memorial on the left side of this page you can see that we are now at $8,232. Initially, we had set an interim goal of $10,000 as a “go-no-go” point, meaning if we did not reach it by May 1, we would halt all planning. Given the great initial response we are waiving that point and proceeding to an overall goal of $25,000.
Our energetic Denig Demon’s Memorial committee of Sally Pritchett, Bill Hauptfleisch, Fred Lash and Walt Ford have made several walk-throughs with Museum officials and have solidified the site of the memorial. As shown in very recent photos by Red Carpenter the site is quite close to both the Museum Chapel and the proposed Puller Overlook which will contain a statue of that famed leader.

Bricks may be obtained for a $300 donation.
The committee is working closely with a local monument company and a final price of the memorial is expected this month, January. Due to the unique site of the Denig Memorial, there is room surrounding the memorial for 80 engraved bricks, similar to the ones initially placed on Semper Fidelis Trail by the Florida and Rosenthal Chapters. As a special inducement, we are offering a free three-line engraved brick with each contribution of $750 or more. Bricks alone cost $300. For those who cannot afford the $750 contribution, bricks may be obtained at a donation of $300. Please consider sponsoring a brick in someone’s name: Example: Saluting Mr. Leatherneck, Tom Bartlett. Or IMO Bob Morrisey, first Exec. Director of the USMCCCA. You are allowed three engraved lines on each brick, each line containing 20 characters. Once a contribution is made CCHQ will forward to donors the form for requesting an engraved brick.
The committee feels strongly that the memorial can be ready for dedication by the Marine Corps Birthday, November 10 this year.