Who made it to the top ten?

Tom Kerr Life Member 0010
During the annual business meeting at a CC conference some 25 years ago, the chair brought up the issue of why more CCs hadn’t taken advantage of Life Memberships. So at the end of the session, a small group of us made a beeline to the treasurer to sign up.
I walked away with membership number 0010/L. I thought that was pretty cool, the tenth CC to become a Life Member.
When our current Membership Directory was posted recently to the USMCCCA web site, I thought I’d look to see who were the nine CC Life Members “senior” to me.
To my surprise, I only found Chas Henry (0001/L) and William Beasley (0007/L). I wondered, “who are numbers 0002/L, 0003/L, 0004/L, 0005/L, 0006/L, 0008/L and 0009/L … and where are they now?” My first thought, they must be deceased, but maybe I missed a number while scrolling through the directory, or maybe they were inadvertently missing from the list.
Then, I looked to see who were the next seven, rounding out the current “Top Ten.”
The results:
Mike Pitts (0011/L)
Mawk Arnold (0012/L)
Don Gee (0013/L}
Walter Schley (0015/L)
Chuck Beveridge (0017/L)
Fred Peck (0018/L)
Jerry Smith (0021/L)
The next CC “lifer” in line is Wallace Davis (0023L). Nothing personal, but I hope he has a long wait before he joins the “Top Ten.”
— Tom Kerr