Agostini’s parents pick up award

Staff Sgt. Luis R. Agostini is the 2009 DoD Print Journalist of the Year
Luis R. Agostini, Col Bryan Salas and Daisy Agostini. The Agostinis are parents of Staff Sgt. Luis R. Agostini who was awarded the 2009 DoD Print Journalist of the Year.
Agostini is currently deployed with Regimental Combat Team 7 at Camp Dwyer, Helmand province, Afghanistan, since October 2009 for a 12-month deployment.
He writes: “I wanted my family to receive my award, because I wanted someone close to me to accept on my behalf, rather than being handed off to someone else by default of my absence. They’ve been to two previous TJ award ceremonies where I lost to the Army and Air Force each time (in the past they announced the Print Journalist of the Year winners the day of the ceremony), so because they have been so supportive, I asked if they could be there to accept on my behalf, and they gladly drove four hours from Haverstraw, N.Y., to Fort Meade to accept.”