Looking for this 1950 Time-Life featured Marine

Malachy Murphy was featured in this 1950 Time-Life Magazine
I am conducting an “all hands” search for a fellow Marine and someone I grew up with in a Catholic Home (St. Agnes, Rockland Co., NY) in the early 1940’s. I am not even sure he is still living.
My “missing Marine” is Malachy Murphy, born on November 25, 1929; if still living, he would be 81 this year (a year older than me). He was discharged from St. Agnes in August 1947, and presumably joined the Marine Corps shortly after that. Since there is a very unforgettable (but unidentified) 1950 Time-Life photo of him, perhaps, because of the nature of your members duties, this poignant picture might ring a bell with some of them.
I learned that Murphy was the Marine in that Time-Life photo from another St. Agnes Alumnus, ALSO a Marine (as was his Brother), who personally talked to Murphy about this picture, and Murphy shared his story surrounding that picture with him in the early 1950’s. (I will be using those details in the story I am trying to write about Murphy).
Murphy also had three siblings, an older brother Kevin, who had served in the Navy, and two Sisters, Mary and Kathleen. Murphy was in Korea in 1950 and it is also possible he made a career of the Corps and also served in Vietnam. In the event I cannot locate a living relative I am going to try to get some of his military records from the National Personnel Records Center.
So if it’s possible to post this request for any known information about Marine Malachy Murphy to your membership, it would be greatly appreciated. I’m also searching as many other sources as possible, and if any of your members have any further suggestions in that regard, that would also be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Semper Fidelis,
Gerald F. Merna
1stLt USMC (Ret.)