2010 Conference firming up, maybe rafting, baseball

Jenny Holbert, 2010 USMCCCA Conference Program Chair
For those who think attending a USMCCCA conference in Reno means only exposure to casinos think again.
Jenny Holbert, 2010 Conference Program Chair, is exploring a variety of activities and promises there will be something for all.
“While we will offer PMEs (Professional Military Education) for all Marines not attending the Senior Leader portion of the conference each day, we are attempting to make the schedule something that will appeal to all attendees,” she said.
“One idea we are exploring involves team-building exercises on Wednesday afternoon, August 25. The Reno-Tahoe area abounds in outdoor activities including white-water-rafting” she said. “Also, Reno is the home of the Triple-A-rated farm team of the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team. The Diamondbacks are at home two of the nights that we will be in conference.”
The 2010 conference will convene in Reno August 23-27. The official opening ceremony will be at 8 a.m. Tuesday, August 24. The Merit Awards Banquet will take place with a pre-reception at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, August 26. Registration fees are again bargain priced.
The Members-only Early Bird rate will be $110 and will be available from now until May 31. From June 1 until June 30 the Members Only (MBO) rate will be $120. On July 1 the rate for members will go to $125. The MBO rate includes all meal activities as well as the annual spouse event which will be announced when the conference schedule is firm. The rate for all non-members will be $125. The registration period ends at 4 p.m. Monday August 16.
You can pay for registration by Master Card, Visa, Debit Card or PayPal by clicking here. Or if you want to send a check, send to : USMCCCA Conference, Jack Paxton, Executive Director, 110 Fox Court, Wildwood, FL 34785.