2009 Denig Award presented posthumously to spouse

GySgt. Joe Espinosa, Mrs. John Miller, Keith Oliver and Laura Johnston at the luncheon to honor Col. John Grider Miller (USMC Ret.)

Col. John Grider Miller (USMC Ret.)
Mrs. John Miller, widow of 2009 Denig Memorial recipient, Col. John Miller, received the award on behalf the family on Thursday Feb. 18. The luncheon event was held at the Brio Tuscan Grille in Annapolis.
Pictured with Mrs. Miller are Gunnery Sgt. Joe Espinosa, NCOIC of the Public Affairs Leadership Department at DINFOS; former CC national president Keith Oliver; and DINFOS faculty member Laura Johnston, who was a colleague and protégé of Col. Miller at the U.S. Naval Institute.
CCs in attendance included John Dodd, a member of the board for both the USMCCCA and our Foundation; former Foundation President and Dickson Award recipient Bob Jordan with wife Evi Cox-Jordan; DINFOS Marine Detachment CO Capt. Al Eskalis; and MarDet staffer, Staff Sgt. Robert Attebury.
Col. Miller was to have received the Denig Award at the Hampton Conference, but died of a heart attack just two weeks before our annual gathering. An association member and longtime CC supporter from his vantage point as Proceedings editor, he also wrote numerous books, including the bestselling Bridge at Dong Ha and the Navy damage-control classic, The Battle to Save the Houston. Miller was a career infantry officer who pulled two tours in Vietnam, commanded a battalion in the 2nd Marine Division and served as speechwriter to three commandants. (Photo by Lt. Col. Frank Urben, USAF)