Wishing Red Carpenter a speedy recovery

Ann and Red Carpenter at the 2016 Annual Awards Banquet.
Last week long-time stalwart of the USMCCCA, Red Carpenter underwent a partial hip replacement. His daughter Tracy Barry reports:
My dad had a successful partial hip replacement on Saturday morning. There was some up and down issues with his blood pressure and heart rate afterward. They wanted to release him to rehab but he refused. He only wanted to go back to his apartment to be with my mom. He was released from the hospital [June 9th] and arrived via ambulance back at their apartment. He was admitted into hospice care at home. We have 24 hour care for them both. He only took three steps yesterday at the hospital and has stood for short periods of time. He tires so quickly. I think the only thing keeping him alive is being with my mom again. I have never seen a bigger smile on his face than when he saw her today.
Sadly, Ann Carpenter’s health has declined in the past four years, which contributed to their move from Florida to Virginia. There, his children help Red take care of her.
He requests no phone calls due to his difficulty in speaking. But would welcome emails, cards and letters. Tracy reads his emails to him, and he would love to hear from his USMCCCA friends. Cards are also welcome. You can email him at JCarp404@gmail.com.
Please contact kate@usmccca.org for his address.