Dale Cook is buried: 23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division (Iwo Jima veteran)

Marine Corps League Detachment’s founding commandant Dale Cook and president of the San Francisco Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the USMCCCA, was laid to rest recently. (Photo from MCL1155)
By William Michels
(Bill Michel’s father served in the 4th MarDiv during WWII)
The funeral for Dale Cook was an impressive affair befitting an Iwo Jima veteran. In addition to Dale’s large extended family who attended from around the country, proudly assisting at the service were veterans from a number of local groups, led by a contingent of Marine veterans from the Delta Diablo Detachment 1155 Marine Corps League (1155 MCL), which Dale Cook founded. Ably assisting the 1155 MCL Det was Mount Diablo Det 942 MCL, VFW Post 10789, the American Legion Post 202, and staff of the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building. These veterans (including Marine veterans) coordinated flags, flowers and photographs for the Rosary Mass on the previous evening (Monday), and were prominent throughout today’s (Tuesday’s) full church service–many serving as pallbearers.
After the playing of the Marine Corps Hymn at the end of the church service, a contingent from the Brentwood Police Department provided a police escort to the cemetery, with Freedom Riders leading the way. Once at the cemetery, active-duty Marines from the 6th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (6th ANGLICO, Concord Detachment) served as an Honor Guard (MCL veterans served as Color Guard). Sixth ANGLICO Marines ceremonially removed the Flag from Dale’s casket and ANGLICO Marine riflemen fired an honorary salute. As the casket was lowered, a US military veteran bugler played taps.
Afterwards, a catered reception thrown by the family was attended by over 200 people, including extended family, MCL 1155 members, USMC Combat Correspondents Association members (USMCCCA) members, and Boy Scouts (now men) who knew Dale through his 19 year service as local Scoutmaster. Regarding the last two groups listed, Dale Cook was President of the local USMCCCA Joe Rosenthal Chapter (San Francisco/Alameda) at the time of his death, and Dale had been actively involved in petitioning the Secretary of the US Navy requesting that a ship named after Joe Rosenthal. With regards to the Boy Scouts (now men), it should be noted that many if not all of the dozen or so former Boy Scouts who attended were actually Eagle Scouts, one of whom served in the US military in Iraq. Reception attendees were able to peruse Dale’s Marine Corp scrapbook and other military memorabilia, including from Dale’s post-USMC service with the Army (Dale retired from the US Army Reserves with the rank of Major). Family and friends passed the microphone and spoke at length on how Dale Cook positively influenced their lives.
Pallbearers (and alternate):
VFW district 10 Sr. Vice and local Post 10789 Commander Steve Todd
Past American Legion Commander Michael Clement
MCL Det. 1155 Commandant Donald Hester
Brentwood Police Officer And Eagle Scout Chris Freedman
Contra Costa County Veteran Office Director Nathan Johnson
MCL Det. 1155 Color Guard Sergeant Harold Dominguez
USMC-CCA and Vietnam veteran (US Navy Corpsman) Gary Phipps
Color Guard coordinator:
MCL Det. 1155 Sergeant Harold Dominguez
Police Escort coordinator:
Brentwood Police Officer Chris Freedman
Grave-side Honor Guard (including rifle salute):
6th ANGLICO Marines Concord Detachment, CO: Lt. Col. Blair J. Garner
Grave-side Bugler:
Bill Picton, Vietnam Veteran from Danville
Notable WW2 Veteran attendee:
Floyd Hunter, 3MARDIV veteran of Battle of Guam and Battle of Iwo Jima
Obituaries (links):
USMC Combat Correspondents Association (USMCCCA)–
San Francisco Chronicle–
East Bay Times [California]–
Iwo Jima survivor, decorated veteran Dale Cook is remembered