John Shotwell still CCing in Kentucky “retirement”

John Shotwell captured aboard the America when he flew with the Beaufort, South Carolina-based “Shamrocks” in Vietnam.”
We caught up with John Shotwell over the holidays.
The former Marine Corps Director of Public Affairs and senior leatherneck PAO in Operation Desert Storm stays busy writing, painting and editing an award-winning newsletter and website for the Bluegrass Chapter of the Marine Officers Association of America.

Jerri and Jon Shotwell married 50 years.
He and his bride of 50 years, Jerri, have taken to traveling, including jaunts in the last couple of years to Ireland, Scotland, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Malta, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The couple is booked for Egypt next year where a riverboat cruise on the Nile is part of the agenda.
John earned a PhD upon retirement from the Corps and served on the faculty at the University of Kentucky. He keeps his writing skills sharp via frequent letters and columns to the Lexington Herald Ledger.
Is John still “keeping it young?” You decide: the photos with Jerri were snapped this year; the image in the sateen utilities was captured aboard the America when he flew with he Beaufort,South Carolina-based “Shamrocks” in Vietnam.”