The Mac is back! Another member returns

Dan McSweeney

Dan McSweeney
Dan McSweeney, proud hometown resident of New York City’s Morningside Heights, is back on the USMCCCA rolls.
Armed with masters from both Fordham University (MBA) and Columbia (International Affairs), the former USMCR major and 24th MEU PAO has been in the consulting biz in recent years.
Mac recently completed a 3-year stint as President of the United War Veterans Council of the Greater New York City area. And he is the founder and president of InterSect LLC, a firm that successfully partners seemingly disparate organizations and “gets them to win-win.”
On the USMCCCA side, McSweeney is promoting the idea of hosting the 2019 or 2020 conclave in his beloved New York City.
“The conventional wisdom is that the Big Apple is too big, too busy, too crowded and too expensive,” the Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran said. “But that is why we negotiate and that is why we seek corporate and other support in this unflinching ‘Marine Corps town. ‘”
“We’ve met here in New York in the past,” he reminds us, “including a successful conference with CMC Gen. Al Gray as Guest of Honor in 1986.”