CC Vietnam War interview subjects sought

Joe Galloway
A very special feature of this year’s CC gathering in New Bern will be the presence of staff from the Vietnam War Commemoration, a Congressionally-funded program established to raise awareness and express appreciation for America’s Vietnam vets.
Our own Joe Galloway, the 2001 Denig Award recipient and co-author of the much-acclaimed book, We Were Soldiers Once … And Young, will be personally conducting digitally-recorded oral histories. Joe will also take part in the USMCCCA panel discussion “Sending Messages: A 50-Year Retrospective on the Vietnam War,” moderated by Fred Tucker.
A limited number of interview slots are still available from August 20-23 at our host hotel.
CC Vietnam veterans are encouraged to e-mail to reserve a time slot.
You may also phone Andrew at 703-697-4879.