Room rate goes up after July 31st

The Double Tree by Hilton Hotel.
UPDATE: Some are having trouble with the website reservations. If you encounter a problem reserving rooms, please call them directly. +1-252-638-3585 and ask for the USMCCCA rate. Also if you are attending the Banquet only, we encourage you to bring casual clothes to change into. It is our custom to hold an auction and raffle in the Command Post after the ceremony and you will be more comfortable.
If you are planning to attend the 2018 USMCCCA Professional Development & Training Symposium at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel New Bern, NC, from Aug. 20-24, please reserve your rooms now. Deadline is July 31st to get the special room rate of $93 per night.
Also, if you are TAD please let Kate know that you will be attending and you can pay at registration.