Welcome new life member Brett Beard

Brett and Lydia Beard. We received a nice note from Brett along with a check for life membership. It’s great to have him back in the fold!
Brett Beard enlisted in 1988 and after MCRD, attended the BJC and became a print journalist. He deployed in 1990 in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm. During allied ground offensive 2/21/1991, was recognized for delivering the first images of the breach to the JIB & awarded Navy Achievement Medal and combat action ribbon. Served in 1991 in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In 1992, he deployed to Operation Restore Hope in Somalia and served as journalist and civilian media escort — earning a second combat action. From 1993-1996 served at Camp Pendleton as Scout Editor, journalist, and media relations for IMEF.
In 1997, was ordered to Recruiting Station Orange as the Public Affairs NCO. He retired as a master sergeant in 2011 and is now a real estate advisor.