A leader leads

CWO3 Paul Mancuso, left, interviews Lt. Col. Adam L. Chalkley during Large Scale Exercise 17 (LSE-17) at Twentynine Palms, California last August.

CWO3 Paul Mancuso
Legacy combat camera leader CWO3 Paul Mancuso is the latest warrior-coach to jump into his professional association with both feet, becoming a USMCCCA life member last month.
“It seemed like a good investment, being that I am in my thirties,” he joked. “My grandfather bought his first membership into the VFW well into his 80s.
“The man was an optimist,” Mancuso said. “And he also taught me not to take half measures.”
The gunner’s career certainly reflects his grandfather’s philosophy: the younger Mancuso has bagged his share of meritorious promotions and Marine of the Month (and Year) honors; and he was a Dean’s List student at Syracuse University while enrolled in the Military Motion Media Program option as a sergeant.
A native Virginian, Paul’s awards and decorations include two Combat Action Ribbons and two Navy Commendation Medals.
In the well-somebody’s-gotta-do-it category, Mancuso’s next adventure has him heading to sunny Fort Lauderdale in support of Fleet Week Port Everglades.