Leatherneck hits century mark

INK-STAINED COLONELS WALT FORD, Bill White and Mary Reinwald have each had a turn editing the Marines’ Leatherneck magazine in recent years.

ARTIST NICOLE’S HAMILTON cover painting graced he 100th Anniversary edition of Leatherneck last month.
President’s Notes
In case you missed it, ye olde Leatherneck, the unrivaled “Magazine of the Marines,” turned 100 last month.
Easily the USMCCCA’s longest-running partner in the ink-and-paper biz (and now wowing readers on the web, as well), Leatherneck has featured the bylines, photo credits and manual arts contributions of many an Association member.
And up into the 1970s, our favorite mag included active duty CCs on the fulltime, editorial staff.
The commemorative issue, fronted by Nicole Hamilton’s classic artwork, made special note of such luminaries as Tom Bartlett, Steve Stibbens, Bob Bowen, Ron Keene, Jack Lewis, Bob Jordan, Herb Richardson, Randy Gaddo and Keith Milks.
Special shout-out to our Association’s webmaster Kate Stark, who brought Leatherneck to the next level in graphics and design in the 1990s – and to our how-does-he-find-the-time CC Executive Director Jack Paxton for his continued feature article and book review submissions.
Congratulations to current editor Mary Reinwald and her illustrious keepers of the flame; and a tip o’ the skimmer to those many CCs who filled Leatherneck’s pages throughout WWII, Korea and Vietnam – right up ‘til today.
Got a Leatherneck yarn or photo to share? Maybe a memory of your first Marine Corps product making Leatherneck’s pages? Chat it up on the USMCCCA Facebook page or, better, send it to your professional association’s headquarters via www.usmccca.org.
Semper Fidelis,