USMCCCA friends and colleagues in May issue of Proceedings

Cpl. Kimberly Aguirre’s photo from Hurricane Matthew relief in Haiti helped illustrate Lt.Col. James W. Hammond III’s 2016 Corps roll-up in the May issue of Proceedings.
President’s Notes
The current issue of Proceedings, the U.S. Naval Institute’s 144-year-old flagship pub, is replete with names familiar to USMCCCA folk.
CC Joe Plenzler was praised by USNI CEO Vice Adm. Peter Daly for his “positive impacts on membership and engagement” as he leaves the Annapolis outfit to join USMCCCA stalwart John Raughter in doing liaison work with the American Legion.
Joe’s work as the Institute’s vice-president for marketing and membership had followed in the footsteps of CC lifers Betsy Judge and Chas Henry.
Speaking of the Legion, sales are steady for longtime staffer Bob Bowen’s new book, My Life and Lens. Watch for fellow CC mustanger Bob Jordan’s review in an upcoming Leatherneck.
From our mantle-has-been-passed department, retired Lt. Col. James W. Hammond III, son of USMCCCA Denig nominee, the late Col. “Wes” Hammond, was bylined atop Proceedings’ annual “U.S. Marine Corps in Review.” The younger Hammond was featured as a character in at least one of his Dad’s books and picked up the professional writing bug early in his wide-ranging career.

One of ComCam’s warrior-leaders, CWO2 Paul Mancuso, had some of his work featured in the current Naval Institute Proceedings.
His current piece was illustrated by a bevy of USMC Office of Communications warriors’ photos, including those snapped by Cpl. Kimberly Aguirre and CWO2 Paul Mancuso.
Hammond’s father was well-known to a generation of Marines as Gazette editor when the post was an active duty billet. He commanded the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (“The Magnificent Bastards”) in Vietnam and headed up MarForPac intel during some of the that war’s most critical years.
Katie Haddock’s former CJCS boss, retired Gen. Pete Pace, was named new board chair for the Institute Foundation’s trustees.
The May issue of Proceedings also featured the Corps’ current general officer roster, helping CC readers keep tabs on the likes of Lt. Gen. Gary Thomas (2015 Conference Guest of Honor and Mawk Arnold‘s cousin), Maj. Gen. Paul Kennedy (CG, MCRC and former DivPA), and Maj. Gen. Stacy Clardy (J-8 Staff and former USMC Community Relations head).
— Keith Oliver, USMCCCA President