Fla Golf Tourney set for April 28

Golfers enjoy the sunshine and camaraderie while supporting the Florida Chapter’s Golf Tournament. Next one to be held is April 28 with a 12:30 p.m. shotgun start at the Sherman Hills Golf Club, near Brooksville, Fla.
The 2017 golf tournament of the USMCCCA Foundation (Florida Chapter) will be held Friday, April 28 with a 12:30 p.m. shotgun start at the Sherman Hills Golf Club, near Brooksville, Fla.
The Tournament, now in its 13th year, enables the USMCCCA Foundation to provide grants for the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund, Oceanside, CA which assists our wounded Marines, their widows, and their families. The tournament also enables the Foundation to offer scholarships to active duty Marines and their dependents. Since its inception, more than $91,000 has been raised for these worthy causes. The Tournament format features a 4-person team scramble.
The $50 entry fee includes cart and greens fees, range balls prior to play, and a meal following play. Entrants are encouraged to form foursomes but individual players are welcome and will be teamed by the Tournament Committee on a first come, first served basis until all 36 teams are filled.
The Sherman Hills Club is located very near I-75 and State Rte. 50. and is considered one of Central Florida’s better venues with gently rolling hills and a fairly wide open, links-type terrain. The club address is 31200 Eagle Falls Drive, Brooksville, FL
Prospective players are encouraged to call “Red” Carpenter at 352.688.6720 or email JCar1@tampabay.rr.com for further information.