A haircut and a new member

Newest member, Ray Adams (standing) and Keith Oliver , National President.
HOMETOWN BARBER IS NEWEST MEMBER — Ray Adams, a combat correspondent at Camp Lejeune and on Okinawa in the late 1980s, retired from the Corps after a successful line recruiter tour in 1998.
Now, he cuts hair in national president Keith Oliver‘s hometown of Eustis, Fla.
Ray well remembers working with PANCOs Ken Boss and Chuck Betz when he was enlisting Marines out of RS Manchester, N.H.; and he served with the likes of Norm Garrett, Marty Hopper, Gary Mosley and Norm Garrett during his public affairs tours.
He was the DPA for Best Feature Article in 1986.
As soon as he finished his haircut, Keith got Ray to cough up $35 and sign on the dotted line January 19, making the Manchester native one of the first new members of 2017. Welcome aboard!