CC Dave Hugel appears in Maryland Public Television Vietnam War documentary

In addition to the interview, Dave Hugel receives a 2016 Marine Corps Heritage Foundation Heritage Award. Another CC, the late Jim Kyser also earned the award posthumously.

Cpl. Dave Hugel with his 4 x 5 Speed Graphic camera, covering Marine Corps helicopter operations in Vietnam’s “I” Corps during 1963.
In November 2014, Maryland’s Public Television station (MPT) launched an ambitious project to document the experiences of Marylanders who served during the Vietnam War. In the first phase of the project, MPT identified Maryland Vietnam veterans and conducted listening sessions around the state where executive producer Ken Day heard the stories of more than 300. From this group, Day selected nearly 100 veterans, representing all branches of the armed forces from the war’s earliest years through its final days, to interview on video tape for the documentary.
CC Life Member Dave Hugel, who lives in Edgewater, Maryland, was selected to talk about his experiences during the war’s early days. Dave served in Vietnam as a photographer for nine months during 1963- 1964 covering early Marine Corps helicopter operations in support of America’s Vietnamese allies, for which Commandant Wallace M. Greene, Jr. personally recognized his contribution to preserving the history of that period.
The three-hour documentary broadcast on three successive nights, May 24, 25, & 26 on MPT, is expected to be shown on PBS at a later time.