USMCCCA Foundation (FL Chapter) Golf A Success

Red Carpenter at the USMCCCA Foundation, Florida Chapter Golf tournament at Sherman Hills Golf Club in Brooksville, Fla., April 22, 2016.
Neither rain, nor thunder hampered the 12th version of the Foundation’s (Florida Chapter) Annual Golf Tournament held at the Sherman Hills Golf Club near Brooksville, FL held Friday afternoon, April 22.
While other organizations nearby were cancelling tournaments worried about inclement weather, 80 golfers teed off following brief ceremonies at 1 p.m. led by Chapter President and Tournament Chair Red Carpenter. While there were several brief passing showers and a peal of thunder once or twice, everyone finished on schedule at 5:15 p.m. in time to enjoy a meal of hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans and potato salad.

Jack Paxton, executive director at the tournament.
Following the meal an auction was held, led by Chapter Member Kevin Doll. This helped increase the tournament profit to a grand total of $5,063.80. The Chapter will make a recommendation to the Foundation Board of Directors as to the disposition of the money. Past tournament profits have gone to the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund, Oceanside, CA and to the Foundation Scholarship Fund. It is expected both will receive major portions of this year’s profits.
USMCCCA Board Member Bob Mergle made his first venture into tournament play, traveling from his home in Columbia, SC and bringing several friends. Other Chapter member/players were Betsy Judge, Bob Jordan and National Executive Director Jack Paxton. Providing vocal (and photographic) support were Association VP (and webmaster) Kate Stark, and Chapter VP Hank Ehlbeck.
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