DMA Warrior of the Quarter: Cpl. Cory C. Schubert

Cpl. Cory C. Schubert
Congratulations to Cpl. Cory C. Schubert for earning Defense Media Activity’s Warrior of the Quarter. He is now stationed at AFN Iwakuni where according to Schubert, “I do a variety of different tasks. I cover the daily production mission along with producing 2 video spots a week and COM CALS. I also fill in as need be for the Radio and shoot News stories to help the News teams accomplish the mission. I have previously sat in for the Radio Department NCOIC and from November to December 31st as the acting Production Department NCOIC.”
Corporal Cory Schubert, a La Crosse, WI native, enlisted in the Marine Corps, April 2013. He attended Recruit Training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, CA, on April 22, 2013. After Recruit Training he attended the Basic Public Affairs Specialist course at the Defense Information School, Fort Meade, MD. He then went to the Basic Combat Correspondent course at the Defense Information School, Fort Meade, MD.
Upon graduation, he reported to Marine Corps Air Station, Iwakuni, Japan to work at the American Forces Network, Defense Media Activity, Iwakuni, Japan, where he currently works in the production department. He returned to Fort Meade, MD May 29th 2015 for the Intermediate Public Affairs Specialist Course.