Post Conference Update

Newly elected USMCCCA president, Manny Pacheco (left) laughs at a story Jack Paxton tells to Walt Ford.
Ninety-six members, their guests and active duty Marine CCs and Combat Camera Marines heard one of the best tributes to our occupational fields ever given by a serving flag officer when Brig. Gen. James W. “Chip” Bierman addressed our annual banquet on Wednesday evening, September 10.

Brig. Gen. James W. “Chip” Bierman addressed our annual awards banquet, Sept. 10.
While giving an overview of our present-day Corps, Bierman, CG, MCRD, San Diego and Western Recruiting Region, then laced his 30 minute address with personal comments about combat correspondents and combat camera Marines who had been attached to his units during combat operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan. As one veteran member said: “it certainly is the first time that a guest of honor has spoken to us, about us. It was just an outstanding presentation!”
The banquet, held at the Pacific Views Events Center aboard Camp Pendleton, was the highlight of our 2014 Annual Conference which began Monday, September 8 and concluded with the election of new officers on September 11.
On Tuesday, Col. Sean Gibson, Deputy Director, Marine Corps Communications, at HQMC, gave an “up close and personal” look at the new public affairs and combat camera structure. The fact that he took time out of his busy schedule of visits to west coast Marine Corps units to speak to us was a good indicator of the “new look” of our active duty leadership at the Pentagon now being headed by Col. Dave Lapan.

Sgt. Prince, 1st ANGLICO, explains new equipment to our avid group.
On Wednesday morning, through the cooperation of the I MEF Public Affairs office, members and guests were treated to a highly interesting tour and presentation by members of the 1st ANGLICO staff. Following that we hosted approximately 15 I MEF and Combat Camera staff members at a luncheon at an area dining hall. For many of us this was the first time back at a “chow hall” in many years. BTW, the food was great!
At our annual business meeting breakfast on Thursday morning, long-time member, Manny Pacheco was elected to a two-year term as USMCCCA President and Bill Hauptfleisch, immediate past president, moved over to become president of the USMCCCA Foundation, relieving Don O’Neil. O’Neil, ever the workhorse, volunteered to become Foundation Treasurer relieving Carol Rees who stepped down to continue her education.
Association officers re-elected were Kate Stark, VP, Chris Whiting, Secretary and Rick Lavers, Treasurer. Three new board members were seated: Bob Mergle, Cal Openshaw, and Bob Long. Each will serve a two-year term. They join incumbent board members Jerry Gutierrez and Tom Kerr who finish their terms in 2015.
Consolidated minutes of both the “old,” Foundation and Business Meeting will be compiled in coming weeks and published in the 4th quarter “Now Hear This” and on the website,