2018 USMCCCA ProDev Symposium scored big

First ever, after symposium “HOT WASH” hosted by HQMC and attended by leadership from both the USMCCCA and the Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) to access strengths, weakness and overall effectiveness in the event.
From the Cherry Point bus tour to the first-ever “conference hot wash” hosted by HQMC and attended by leadership from both the CCs and the Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC), the 2018 USMCCCA Professional Development and Training Symposium threw everything but the kitchen sink at the four-day affair.
The post-op huddle on Thursday morning was chaired by Master Sgt. Jeremy Vought with major input from Immediate Past President Manny Pacheco and current VP Shawn Rhodes. The scrub included the MCRC’s Gunnery Sgt. Justin Kronenberg and Steve Cushman and a handful of our newer CCs representing the NCO and junior officer ranks: Cpl. Bryann Whitley, recently-separated Matthew Callahan, Chief Warrant Officer-1 Bobby Yarbrough and lst Lt. Bryan McDonnell.
“We’re seeking input from all hands to make next year’s event even better,” said National President Keith Oliver. “Our leadership team was not afraid to try some new wrinkles, and we will keep working with ‘the white board’ in welcoming fresh ideas moving forward.

Shawn Rhodes, Vice-President of the USMCCCA speaks to attendees.
“So many were engaged and committed in making this gathering work, but two must be singled out: Vice President Shawn Rhodes, who brought to bear his civilian business consultant skills in tightening-our internal deadlines and board taskers … and Kate Stark, who was working without a net in the sudden absence of our beloved 13-year executive director, the late Jack Paxton,” he said.
Kronenberg and MCRC, particularly, continue to have “a striking impact” on this burgeoning new era of active duty participation, Oliver said.
The 160+ who turned out for the Awards Banquet represented the most well-attended affair in some years (according to veteran bean-counter Tom Kerr), greatly helped by MCRC’s early commitment to hold concurrent training at the New Bern, N.C. DoubleTree Hotel.
“It was also a huge help to have committed, regional and local CCs on the ground from the word ‘go,'” Oliver said.

Nat Fahy, (left) Symposium Chairperson took a break with Dale Dye at the welcome reception.
He cited Nat Fahy, Symposium Chairperson for his overall North Carolina-based coordination which included completing the process to make the USMCCCA a “commemoration partner” with the Congressionally-funded Vietnam War Commemoration.
The Vietnam group offered oral histories to CC Vietnam vets, with Fred Lash, Bob Bayer, Dale Dye, Bob Jordan, Gene Smith, Frank Wiley and Fred Tucker among those taking part.
The audio-visual interviews were conducted by longtime CC affiliate and renowned war correspondent Joe Galloway and also put the spotlight on local retirees, including former Cherry Point Commanding General, Maj. Gen. Tom Braaten and 22nd Marine Amphibious Unit commander, retired Col. James P. “Pat” Faulkner, who led those Marines to Grenada and then, days later, relieved the 24th MAU following the horrific barracks explosion on October 23, 1983.
Among the “Carolina MAGTF” CCs assisting Fahy were key Cherry Point staffers Mike Barton, Michelle Cornell and Sherri Tyndall (tour, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band arrangements, risers for the banquet and general support); Annita Best (welcome bags, auction and command post); Sanders Hall (A/V support); and The Globe contract staff, led by Bobby Stone.
James Jarvis handled pre-conference publicity.
Yolanda Mayo, a retired Marine Reserve sergeant major who now stays busy promoting the robust MCCS partnership with Camp Lejeune’s neighboring cities and towns, joined Lash on the stage as co-emcee. Both battle-tested CCs are lifelong theater performers.
Guest of Honor for the banquet was Brig. Gen. William H. “Bill” Seely, the Corps’ Director of Communication. The former CO of 3rd Recon Battalion was born in Vietnam and grew up in California. His formal presentation earlier in the day revealed an enthusiastic familiarity with the tools and activities of the “millennials,” particularly in the areas of social media and the audiovisual arts.
At the Awards Banquet, the general honored a prime example of A/V expertise, helping DMA’s Karen Nowowieski and Master Gunnery Sgt. Chad McMeen present twin Defense Department trophies to Sgt. Matthew Callahan – the first warrior in DoD history to win both the Photographer of the Year and the Videographer of the Year competitions.
Photos and video of the entire event will be posted soon.
Editors note: I would like also, to acknowledge the tremendous help of our members in the background stepping up to help make this PRODEV Symposium the success it was. Among those already listed above was Tom and Sheila Kerr and their daughter Jackie who helped stuff goodie bags, placed certificates in frames and alphabetized awards. Bob Mergle who had his hand up every time a volunteer was needed, from folding and stapling programs to taking over the awards presentation.And lastly, Linda Hohman, Chris Whiting, Mike Frank and Frank Wiley who all checked in periodically to see if anything needed doing. It truly was a team effort.