Summary of 2016 USMCCCA Annual Business Meeting

Jack Paxton, Executive Director gives his report to the 2015 old board members during the 2016 National Conference and Training Symposium in Fredericksburg, Virg.
(Note: The following is an executive summary of the USMCCCA Annual Business Meeting held in Fredericksburg, VA during our National Conference and Training Symposium. It carries all actions taken by the Old and Foundation Board Meetings. For copies of those, please contact the Executive Director at
2016 Annual Business Meeting
August 26, 2016
President Manny Pacheco called the 2016 USMCCCA Annual Business Meeting to order at 8:26 a.m. A quorum was present.
Secretary: Secretary Chris Whiting was asked to read the minutes. Bob Mergle made a motion to accept the minutes as published in the Now Hear This newsletter. Seconded and passed. Treasurer: In the absence of Treasurer Rick Lavers, Executive Director Jack Paxton told the members that the Association has $69,604.82 in three CDs and the checking account. He said we are in good shape.
Executive Director: Paxton started his report, saying that the conference was a success. He said we had 58 registered for the banquet, and we actually fed 91. He said we made Paxton expressed appreciation for Dave and Diane Biesel for the new history book. He asked people to read it and give him any changes by November 1. The book will be published in January. Paxton told the members that the Now Hear This quarterly newsletter is no more. He said he had been complaining that it was worthless because he had been pulling old news back off the web site to put in it. He said we will now place our emphasis on the web site and our Facebook page. He added that those who cannot access news via computer can get a hard copy, upon request. He said that Keith Oliver and Sally Pritchett were the first to pledge their contributions to the Foundation, spreading out payments over the year. Paxton said it is an easy way to give and you can set it up through your bank. He said four or five oral histories were done during the conference. He will ask the History Division for copies.