2013 Conference is history

Members of the USMCCCA with their Defense Media Activity escorts on the Marines TV set.
Like the proverbial “adapt and overcome slogan,” our 2013 annual conference at Joint Base, Andrews (aka Andrews AFB) was successful and can now be used as test case for future conferences.
Our format this year was clearly dictated by the sequester situation and its accompanying budget problems. That we managed to pull it off is a testimony to the herculean efforts of Conference Chair Manny Pacheco, President Bill Hauptfleisch and Program Chair Fred Lash.

Manny Pacheco serves up a “dog” to Jacki Hunneycutt at the Wecome Barbecue.
Within a week of the conference it was nearly cancelled due to a major water main break in the county housing the base. Fortunately for us crews got the water running again and air conditioners aboard the base blasted cool air for the Presidential Inn and the Smart Conference Center.
Other smaller snafus were quickly overcome and the 55 or so retired, former and active duty Marines attending the full conference thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The pluses of being aboard Andrews included a very reasonable lodging rate and the ability to use the base dining hall for morning and evening meals when necessary.
Monday evening’s Welcome Aboard Cookout was ably managed by Chef Pacheco, with a big assist by President Bill. The picnic area at the rear of the Presidential Inn became our nightly hospitality center.

GySgt Katesha Washington, DINFOS gave us a tour of DINFOS.
On Tuesday our chartered bus took conferees to Fort Meade for a tour of the new Defense Media Activity (DMA) and the Defense Information School. Thanks to the efforts of LtCol. Aisha Bakkar the DMA portion drew the raves of many who saw the latest techniques in Marine Corps (and joint service) broadcasting.
At DINFOS, Keith Oliver’s “right hand Gunny” Katesha Washington arranged a tour of that facility that is currently being expanded.
Tuesday evening the group was bussed to the Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Statue) for the stirring evening parade featuring the Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps and Silent Drill Platoon.
On Wednesday morning Fred “Flash” Lash moderated a highly informative media panel featuring Arab News correspondent Barbara Ferguson and Dan LaMothe, Marine Corps Times reporter and correspondent. Barbara’s account of an early embed and her reception kept the audience in stitches.
On Wednesday evening our Merit Awards Banquet was bolstered by many active duty Marines from nearby commands, including a large contingent from DMA and DINFOS. Surprisingly, given the budget restrictions on travel, 14 active duty Merit winners were on hand to pick up their coveted awards; many attending the banquet on their own “dime.” As usual, our masterful Master of Ceremonies Pat Coulter managed to give these Marines his personalized “Oscar” treatment.

Denig winner, Francis “Bing” West talks to guest of honor Gen John M. Paxton Jr., Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. (Photo by SSgt Jeffrey D. Anderson)
General John M. Paxton Jr., Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, was guest of honor and his address was “spot on” to the situation the Marine Corps is facing during its draw down from 203,000 Marines to 182,00 or below. He also told the audience that our individual occupational fields were being studied and we could expect certain changes as the Corps readies itself for the future.
On Thursday morning at the Business Breakfast our slate of officers for the coming year were elected with no opposition. The conference adjourned immediately afterwards. As there was not a quorum for the New Board Meeting one will be held electronically sometime later this month.