Dr. Linda Canup Keaton-Lima, winner of the 2012 Denig Award
In our long and storied history, our premier award has never been bestowed on the son or daughter of a combat correspondent. This changes in 2012 as Dr. Linda Canup Keaton-Lima, daughter of the late, long-time CC Claude “Red” Canup, and author of “War Is Not Just For Heroes” is awarded the 2012 Denig award.Her book, a collection of 398 “dispatches” and personal letters sent by her dad from the Pacific represents nearly 12 years of tenacity, stubbornness and perseverance. Marine historians are now calling this one of the most complete accounting of Marine aviation in World War II.
Given that “Red” had pack-rat tendencies and saved a copy of everything he wrote, it is doubtful these “flimsies” would have seen the light of day except for Linda’s stubbornness. “In 2000 I began bugging my brother Buzz in Texas, to send Dad’s works to some Marine connection. He finally sent them to me in 2009 after they were nearly destroyed by a water leak.”
After sorting through them, Linda contacted her Dad’s old friend, CC Past President Keith Oliver for advice: “Could they be published?” More importantly, “would anyone read them?” Keith assured her they would be read and suggested she contact the Naval Institute, publisher of the Proceedings.