Still time to sign up for Florida Golf Tourney

Join us for the 12th annual USMCCCA Foundation (Florida Chapter) Golf Tournament will be held Friday afternoon, April 22 at the Sherman Hills Golf Club, near Brooksville, FL.
The 12th annual USMCCCA Foundation (Florida Chapter) Golf Tournament will be held Friday afternoon, April 22 at the Sherman Hills Golf Club, near Brooksville, FL.
The tournament is the primary fundraiser for the USMCCCA Foundation that supports the CC’s patriotic, charitable and educational programs for both active duty Marines, retired Marines and their families. One of the primary beneficiaries of this tournament has been the Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund, Oceanside, CA which, since the tournament’s inception, has received more than $85,000 from the Foundation.
The tournament is open to all golfers, male and female and features a scramble format. The entry fee is $50 and includes greens and cart fees, range balls and a meal following play. Sherman Hills is considered one of the best conditioned golf courses in Central Florida and features gently rolling hills and a fairly wide-open venue.
Tournament Chair James “Red” Carpenter has issued an invitation to all CC “friends” to come and play in the tournament. Special arrangements have been made with the nearby Quality Inn for out of town guests who would be interested in playing. If you wish to come in Thursday night the special fee is $65. The hotel telephone number is 352-796-9481. The booking code is USMCCCA Golf.
If you cannot come to Florida and play but wish to support the tournament, Carpenter said that hole sponsorships are available for $150. All contributions should be made to the USMCCCA Foundation and sent to James “Red” Carpenter, 1072 Greenturf Rd., Spring Hill, FL 34608. Should you wish to support the tournament by credit card, call CCHQ at 352-748-4698.